Trees NC Welcomes Volunteers at East Side Garden and Grove
/Spring is a time of new beginnings - and for preparing our East Side Garden and Grove for a fresh new start. This year we are excited to welcome volunteers from Randolph County's Master Gardeners program who will be providing volunteer support at our East Side Garden and Grove. Randolph County Master Gardeners suffered a big loss this year when their demonstration garden site in Asheboro was sold along with the building that had housed the Randolph County Cooperative Extension offices. Although we regret the loss of that fabulous demonstration garden, Trees NC is thrilled to welcome Master Gardeners to join our efforts to grow a sustainable "Food Oasis" in the heart of Asheboro's East Side neighborhood.
(Pictured: Randolph County Cooperative Extension Agent and Trees NC Board member Ben Grandon helps prepare garden beds at the East Side Garden and Grove.)