Trees NC Plants Roots in Greensboro
/The planting developed through a collaboration between Trees NC, Sustainable Greensboro, Modern Woodmen, Morehead Elementary School, and The City of Greensboro.
Tim Womick and Owen George of Trees NC were on had to deliver the trees and teach the children the proper method of planting. Rob Cook of Sustainable Greensboro played a key role in setting up the event, and joined with school staff to cheer on the young tree planters.
Thanks go to Modern Woodmen, and especially to Starr Cromer of the organization's Greensboro Camp for the financial support that made the planting possible.
"Everyone involved was THRILLED with how well the planting went. I know my son will never forget the experience! Y’all do a fantastic job and we really appreciate what you do. Hope we get to work together again sometime. Thanks again!" said Starr Cromer.
Special thanks to the City of Greensboro for preparing the site for our planting!