Trees Seagrove Hand-in-Hand with New Grocery Store

Trees Seagrove presented a proposal to the Seagrove Town Council on June 29th asking permission to plant trees in and around Seagrove but primarily in the Clay Presnell Park. At the same meeting , Brown Eyes Investments received permission to start planning the proposed grocery store that everybody in Seagrove is so eagerly awaiting. The Town Council made a motion to incorporate both proposals into one so that Trees Seagrove could use some of its trees to fulfil the "green area" required by the Town ordinance.Talk about being in the right place at the right time !

Trees Seagrove is excited to be the catalyst between Seagrove and Brown Eyes Investments to help do what is often overlooked but important in all new construction. Both beautification and landscaping will be accomplished by donating free trees and the labor to plant them. The trees are waiting patiently and being cared for at the NC Zoo.They will find permanent homes in the Fall after the Summer heat subsides and all parties decide on the best placement.

As the trees grow and provide osmosis to turn CO2 into O2 the atmosphere will get a needed boost. Customers will appreciate a shady spot to park their cars and wildlife will be encouraged to make new homes. The world will be a better place because of human cooperation .