A Small Miracle

A small miracle occurred on October 16, 2010. A dedicated group of over 80 volunteers came together at the H.Clay Presnell Park in Seagrove , NC and planted 130 trees in eight hours !! It could not have happened without Mike Walker and his Miracle Equipment - and five hours of hard digging. And all the Volunteers and Trees Asheboro and Trees Seagrove and Polar Bears International and the NC Zoo and all the donated trees and supplies from local greenhouses .

Just seeing all the efforts come together and the incredible results was breathtaking. There, before our eyes , was an entirely new Grove where only empty grass was before. A whole golden aura of forever expanding goodness was created to touch lives in ways we won't ever see. We just know it happens. We were all privileged to be a part of it.

Now we have a responsibility to the trees to make sure they are watered and grow straight and tall . Thanks to Mother Nature for allowing rain for two weeks in a row to allow time to implement a watering regime to start in the Spring. With water from the Seagrove Water District and water tanks from local farmers we will be able to supply the needed soakings to encourage our trees to grow and prosper.

If you missed the initial planting , there is still room for anybody who wants to be a part of this momentous effort to create a new Grove for the future of Seagrove and all the surrounding inhabitants. We will be needing some help to water and stake trees later in the year. Please click on "Contact" on the side of this page if you want to be involved.

Knowing you are gifting all living things with the creation of oxygen through photosynthesis is more rewarding than any physical payment . Volunteering yourself will come back a hundredfold in surprizing ways you can't imagine. And you won't know until you try!